Continuous collaboration to the civil society, nonprofit organizations, sports institutions, among others. All with the aim of helping to promote activities related to culture, education, sports, the environment, and health.
Social responsability
For our firm, social responsibility is a fundamental pillar on which the development of our business is governed.
Social responsibility goes beyond an activity, for us it is the conscious and consistent commitment to fully comply with the purpose of the company with integrity, demonstrating respect for people, ethical values, the community and the environment, thus contributing to the common well-being, which is translated into concrete actions that seek the benefit of all the actors involved in MLA activities. Among them we can highlight:
External actors:

We respect the environment, avoiding pollution and minimizing the generation of waste and rationalizing the use of natural and energy resources.
Internal actors:
We have established controls that ensure non-discrimination (sex, race, religion, social status) in our recruitment processes.
We procure the fair distribution of the wealth generated among collaborators and regulatory entities.
We ensure the constant training and promote the transmission of knowledge among our employees.
We comply with legal regulations regarding salaries, medical care, hygiene and safety measures in the workplace.
We encourage equality in our environment, respecting and promoting social and cultural diversity in our firm.
We offer career and promotion opportunities to our staff to promote personal and professional development.
We support emerging and young professionals, as well as final year university students, by offering them the opportunity to join to our Accounting and Tax Department to obtain practical experience and start their career, thus improving educational quality and allowing them to integrate in teamwork.