Firelli Mejía - Partner
Graduated in Accounting from Universidad INTEC with a
specialization in International Tax Planning with a double
degree from the University of San Francisco and Aden Business
School, and a postgraduate degree in Corporate Finance from
Universidad INTEC. Also graduated in Arts, she has completed
various national and international courses and seminars at
institutions such as the World Meeting of BKR International, IFA
Congress of International Fiscal Association and ADEN Business
School. She is certified in Anti-money Laundering (AMLCA) by
She has more than 30 years of experience in Auditing,
Accounting and Tax Outsourcing, Organizational Development,
Internal Audit Direction, among others. Executive member of the
International Fiscal Association (IFA), Asociación Tributaria de
la República Dominicana (ATRIRD), Instituto Contadores Públicos
Autorizados (ICPARD), Consejo Nacional de Asesores Impositivos
(CONACI) and Asociación Nacional de Jóvenes Empresarios
She has professional teaching experience and
has been a speaker at various conferences. She participated as a
cooperator with Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII)
in the preparation of the 2011 Dominican Republic Fiscal Manual
and has provided services to important companies in the
industries of retail, construction, real estate, restaurants,
cooperatives, governmental, non-profit institutions,
manufacturing, agricultural, insurance, IT, among others.